Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bloom Day April 2014

This morning I risked frost bite to take my bloom day photos. Indeed, my shutter finger is still defrosting as I type. Thanks to a good cup of very hot tea, I'll be right as rain in no time.

Despite the frosty start to the day, the morning sun and clear blue skies lured me outside to see what was blooming. This tropical mandevilla vine was left outside in the cold to fend for itself while lows dipped into the 30's. I was expecting a sad little plant, but it looks okay to me.

Oxeye daisies always seem cheerful no matter the weather.

I've been getting an excellent return on my investment of this Gaillardia, 'Goblin'. I purchased one package of seed and have been rewarded with almost year round flowers. 

I live in a woodland setting and nothing seems more at home here than Lyreleaf Sage (Salvia Lyrata). This plant is a traveler that goes where it wants. I've tried to tame it, but I think it creates a better display if I let find it's own way.

Another woodland plant that seems right at home here is this dappled shade darling, Cedar Sage (Salvia Roemeriana). 

The bugleweed is blooming wonderfully this year. Even this variegated form Ajuga reptans 'Burdgundy Glow' is finally showing it's stuff.

I was surprised to see this meadow sage thriving. I purchased several of these, but this one is the lone survivor. This plant does not like our hot, dry summers, but apparently, a burst of cool spring time rain was just what the doctor ordered.

October flooding washed out my meadow and left the area a soggy mess. Some of the seed I planted washed away, but the display is still better than last year. My goal over time is to introduce more and more seeds and plants to the space while eliminating some of the more invasive weed species. This summer I plan to solarize a patch of bermuda grass I discovered while planting last fall.

The big bloomer in the garden today is roses. I've been training this Souvenir de la malmaison to grow up over the top of my fenced chicken run. When I say my chicken pen smells like roses, I won't be lying.

I always thought crepuscule was an odd name for a rose until I found out the word means twilight. Named for it's orange, pink, salmon and yellow petals, this rose can really vary in color. In the picture below the unopened bud looks more pinkish in the morning light.

Though they don't have the fragrance of the antique roses, the knockout roses make up for it by shear volume of flowers and no fuss attitude. This plant always seems to be blooming. It's really quite amazing. 

My pink knockout rose was such a great performer that last year I decided to purchase a white one. I can't say enough good things about this rose. It's a real survivor. 

I hope you've enjoyed my contribution to Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. Spring is flower time, so check out May Dreams Gardens for more blogs showing off their bloom day flowers!


  1. Your blooms are awesome, glad they survived the cold last night.


  2. I just planted a new Mandevilla as my old one didn't make it through this brutal winter! New one is strong and healthy with lots of flowers….but our temps are supposed to go to just freezing tonight! Hoping for the best!

  3. Amazing having roses out now. I love your meadow. You have some very unusual Salvias and I like the way you grow them in a natural setting.

  4. Wasn't that a scary day yesterday with winds lashing rain hail and the frost threat. We survived and it looks as though your pretty blooms did too. I like that low growing salvia,the gorgeous pink rose and of course the more common knockouts. As my Z. drouhin develops black spot I am grateful for their attributes. I have the white one too. I was trying to remember what it was called because it is related to the knockouts but not actually one. Oh Happy Day.

  5. I'm totally in love with your meadow, and have a serious drive to convert our last little square of lawn into a mini-meadow!

  6. What a fine mix of roses, native perennials and meadow flowers, Ally - and glad the predicted freeze didn't get your garden.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  7. Glad everything is all right there. Thought of you, when they said there was hail in your area. But, looks like it all came through ok.
    I've thrown wildflower seeds several times, in the meadow behind our neighbor. If any came up, the deer ate them, because I've never seen them again. Maybe I should try again. Your meadow is beautiful.

  8. Lovely! Over the weekend, we took the kids to St. Edwards Park (near Bull Creek/360 off Spicewood Springs) and just a short hike away from the entrance under the forest canopy is a glowing blanket of Cedar Sage. So pretty and the red is somehow extra special in the shade.

    I have a meadow sage, too, and it does seem to be happier this spring than in the previous two.
